PFAS What You Need To know
The collection of man-made chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) comprises PFOA, PFOS, and GenX chemicals. Since the 1940s, numerous industries worldwide, including the United States, have produced and utilized PFAS. PFOA and PFOS have been created and investigated the most thoroughly of these compounds. Both are highly tenacious in both the environment and the human body. Exposure to some PFAS can have negative health impacts on humans.
What The EPA Is Doing
The agency develops additional toxicity levels, analytical methods for more PFAS and non-drinking water media, and treatment alternatives for PFAS in drinking water, among other tasks. In May 2018, the EPA will also convene a National Leadership Summit on PFAS.
- Established methods to measure 14 PFAS compounds in drinking water
- Identified five treatment processes for PFOA and PFOS
- Identified all PFAS chemicals that are legally available for production and use
- Provided national Monitoring data for 6 PFAS in drinking water
- Issued drinking water health advisories (70 parts per trillion) for PFOA and PFOS in 2016
- Provided support for ten states with site-specific PFAS challenges and problems:
- NC (Cape Fear River), MI, DE, WV, CO, NY (Hoosick Falls), OH, NH, VT and NJ
- Updated website to include tools and information so that states, tribes and local communities can understand, assess and address PFAS incidents and emergencies
How Are We Exposed To PFAS?
Many significant PFAS compounds can be utilized in some food packaging and make items resistant to grease and stains. In addition to being employed in firefighting foams and various manufacturing processes, they are also utilized in firefighting foams. Sadly, some of these compounds do not degrade with time. This indicates that they accumulate in the environment and our bodies.
In areas where these chemicals have contaminated the water supply, drinking water may be a source of exposure. Typically, such pollution is confined and associated with a particular facility.
- an industrial facility where PFAS were produced or used to manufacture other products, or
- locations where firefighting foam was used, such as oil refineries, airfields or other training facilities for firefighters
If you are concerned about the possibility of PFAS in your drinking water, contact your local water supplier and ask for more information about PFAS.
Health Effects
There is evidence that PFAS exposure can have adverse health effects on humans. If humans or animals ingest PFAS (via the consumption of PFAS-containing food or water), the PFAS are absorbed and can accumulate in the body. PFAS persists in the human body for extended durations. In some instances, the concentration of PFAS in the body might rise to the point where it causes significant health effects.
Laboratory animals exposed to high amounts of PFOA and PFOS may experience reproductive, developmental, liver, kidney, and immunological abnormalities. In animal studies, both substances have been linked to the development of cancers. The most consistent conclusion from human studies is an increase in cholesterol levels in populations that have been exposed, with fewer findings regarding:
- infant birth weights
- adverse effects on the immune system
- cancer (for PFOA)
- thyroid hormone effects (for PFOS)
Products That Contain PFAS
- Pesticides
- Stain Resistance Products
- Firefighting Foams
- Microwave Popcorn Bags
- Eye Makeup
- Pizza Boxes
- Paints, Sealants and Varnishes
- Cleaning Products
- Nail Polish
- Dental Floss
- Non-Stick Cookware
- Water-Resistant Clothing
- Shampoo
- Candy Wrappers
- Fast Food Packaging Wrappers
Midway Environmental Services Underground Injection Well for PFAS Disposal
Midway Environmental Services, Inc. is the only commercial/industrial Class I injection well in Oklahoma. Midway Environmental Services has a state-of-the-art facility capable of handling PFAS waste securely and effectively and can be very effective in the disposal of PFAS waste. We service Oklahoma. Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas. Contact us for more information.